Each year the Haight Street Art Center will invite artists to visit San Francisco, and create screen prints in their state of the art print studio with master printer Drew Jorstad. The prints will be for sale at the end of each project, and the artists can choose a local non-profit that hey would like to support with a portion of the profits.

This year myself, Mike Giant, and Morning Breath Design were invited to get together and create some rad new screen prints. We chose to work with the non-profit SF Skate Club, primarily because the founder of the SFSC Shawn Connelly was sponsored by Think Skateboards. Coincidentally the skateboard manufacturer that myself and the other artists worked for in the 90’s, and how we all met each other.

Huge thanks to the HSAC staff, Drew Jorstad and Robin Gascon for making this all happen. There are still a few prints left if you are interested in supporting this project: