My next exhibition, “The Fog Lovers Club”, opens on 12/14/19 here in SF at the Hashimoto Gallery. I have lived in San Francisco for 25 years. Every five years or so, I do a solo show inspired directly by our beloved city itself. Currently San Francisco is full of people complaining. Its too expensive. Its too dirty. Those people ruined it. They Don’t belong here. It was better when I moved here. Its too hot in September. Its too cold the rest of the year, ect. I am tired of listening to this negativity in the most beautiful city on earth as it is going through some very painful transitions. Complaining just contributes to the overall negative energy city wide, and doesn’t help fix any of the things worth complaining about. This body of work is dedicated and inspired by those of us who try to almost never complain, just purely and honestly love living here. Our hills, our weather, our history, our ups, our downs, and of course our ongoing love affair with the fog. Positive observations, square compositions, all done in foggy inspired greyscale, directly from my heart, to my fellow San Franciscans and the rest of the he world watching this incredible city continue to evolve and innovate. Please join me on December 14th at 804 Sutter St, San Francisco, CA 94109 to celebrate this foggy body of work.

I recently had the pleasure to be included in the “Ride The Dragon” group show at the K11 Art Museum in Shanghai China. Curated by Juergen Blumlein from The Skateboard Museum In Berlin Germany, myself and a ton of talented artists from around the world filled the museum with skate related artworks, and a dragon pump track designed by artist Lilo Krebernik.