this past easter weekend was the 20 year anniversary of the infamous silly pink bunny gang. i started SPB my junior year in high school with my good buddy mark gaukel. 20 years later almost 200 folks showed up to celebrate on our 10th annual easter weekend convention. this year our celebration was here in san francisco. i would like to thank everyone who came out for what was one of the greatest weekends of my life. special thanks to the argus, the parkside, zeitgeist, the travelodge, the mezzanine, and the good fellas at txoko/ naked lunch for putting up with us all weekend.

*photo of the mayhem easter sunday at high noon by rick marr (www.laterforyou.com)


sorry for my lack of bloggage of late. since the end of last year i have been working hard on my next show opening at the joshua liner gallery this coming june. i have been keeping it pretty top secret, until now as im feeling pretty good about things so far. the show is about telling stories. i have collected 30 interesting folks to sit down and tell me an interesting story or two. i take that story, and use that story as inspiration to make a painting. below is a story i got from SNOOP DOGG. its about pulling out his “worm” in the lunch line to impress a girl in school. i am about half way finished with this body of work, and will show more examples as the show approaches.  the hardest part of this idea, is collecting 30 stories. so far, i have 28 stories on tape, and 15 of them painted. more soon…see you in june and the rotten apple.