May 10
greetings from the lovely city of hamburg germany…
please check the nice tour photographs from my good buddy jon dragonette…enjoy…
greetings from the lovely city of hamburg germany…
please check the nice tour photographs from my good buddy jon dragonette…enjoy…
after the show in cologne (thanks to all the cologne-ians who came out, it was a nice night) we headed to amsterdam for a short rest and a visit to one of my best friends, and favorite people on this side of the pond, chaz from the london police…
chaz and bob have reunited to take their artwork to a whole new level, leaving me very inspired. some artists who truly know what the point of art really is… to make people happy!… big hugs to chaz and tina for letting us stay. long live the TLP.
amsterdam is one of the only cities in the world i love almost as much as san francisco. the energy and motion of a city on canals and bikes, is so unique, and special. 3 days later we are on our way to hamburg to set up the next show. see you again soon amsterdam, stay awesome…
phew. the artwork arrived finally, and our friends in the german customs were nice enough to let us have my art in time to hang it up. painted a nice mural, and enjoyed some gloomy weather, and a few tasty veltins. if you are anywhere near cologne come and join us tonight at the world famous arty farty gallery for good times, and great beer. check out jons photos so far…
life here in my studio is a mess currently. trying to finish up the last of these new paintings for the two shows coming up in germany this month. if you are in cologne, stop by the arty farty gallery on may 15th (www.artyfartygallery.com). and if you are in or near hamburg, please visit us at the helium cowboy gallery on may 29th (heliumcowboy.squarespace.com). plenty of new artwork, shnitzels, dachscunds, and BEER! check out a few of the new works below…been playing a bit with new color schemes and compositions lately with mixed results…